13 Tips for a Warm Apartment: With these alternatives, you can heat without skyrocketing costs

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Written By Alicia Green

Scientific writer

Are you uncomfortable in your home? Is the floor cold, and are your feet and hands cold too? You can turn up the heating – or avoid some unnecessary heat loss with a few simple steps. Here’s how to heat your home without a radiator!

What do you think consumes the most energy in our homes? A: Driving? B: Electrical appliances? Or C: Heating? You guessed A or B, didn’t you? Well, you’re not alone in being mistaken. In fact, we use 47% of our home’s energy on private heating.

The following tips are even more valuable as they help keep your home and apartment warm. So, heating without a radiator:

  1. Cold apartment despite the heating? Close the doors!
    Shut the doors of colder rooms. Warm air on the cold walls of the apartment can also cause mold.
  2. An alternative to turning up the heat: Lower the blinds
    Lower the blinds at night – they reduce heat loss through windows by about 20%. Heavy curtains enhance this effect.
  3. Move furniture instead of heating more
    Make sure furniture and curtains are about a hand’s width away from radiators so that heat can spread throughout the room. Heat accumulation can lead to up to 20% additional costs.
  4. Insulate heating pipes for a warm home.
    This way, you prevent too much heat from being lost between the basement and the apartment. You can find insulating shells in hardware stores for just a few dollars.
  5. Seal windows and doors to prevent a cold home.
    Sealing profiles and window film can reduce heat leakage to the outside.
  6. Cold floor? Use rugs or carpets.
    Textile floor coverings reduce heat loss through the floor if you don’t have underfloor heating.
  7. Warm and cozy: Heat with candles
    Even candles significantly increase the room temperature. And they also add a bit of coziness!
  8. Heat without a heater: Increase air humidity
    Humid air feels warmer than dry air. To achieve 40 to 60% ideal humidity, use an air humidifier or several indoor plants that release most of their watering water into the environment through their leaves.
  9. Cleanliness brings warmth: Clean the radiators
    Dust prevents heat from spreading in the room. If you systematically banish it from your radiators – even in the narrow slats – you’ll use heating energy more efficiently.
  10. Cold apartment despite heating? Bleed the radiators
    Bled radiators heat up faster and more evenly – providing a sense of well-being and reducing energy consumption. To find out exactly how to bleed your heating, click here.
  11. Continuous heating = correct heating
    Heat in economy mode when you leave the house. This prevents you from having to use a lot of energy to bring strongly cooled rooms back to the desired temperature.
  12. Ventilate instead of tilting windows for a warm home
    Turn off the heating and open all windows for 5 minutes several times a day to replace stale air with fresh air. Permanently tilted windows cool the walls.
    With these tips, you should already be able to make a difference. And the best part: only laying carpets or rugs might cost money. So it’s worth following these tips. In the end, it comes down to “heating without radiators” for us, which is also the most advantageous: for people and the environment.
  13. Optimally distribute warm air in the apartment
    If you are building, you must ensure that your radiators are correctly placed – on well-insulated exterior walls and near or directly under the window. Additionally, radiators should be as wide as the windows themselves. This directly compensates for the influx of cold and better circulates warm air in the apartment or room. Another advantage of this placement directly under the window: the descending cold air is better compensated. This is the air that is cooled by the window pane and enters the room. Those who ensure that the warm air produced is optimally distributed in the apartment therefore benefit from better living comfort – at lower energy costs. Living comfort that can be further improved by installing a ceiling fan. Indeed, warm air always rises to the top. The fan brings it back down and thus reduces your heating needs. In addition, it makes summer heat more bearable.
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If all this doesn’t help – the apartment remains cold despite heating? Consult an energy advisor!

13 Tips for a Warm Apartment: With these alternatives, you can heat without skyrocketing costs

If you still can’t maintain a comfortable temperature in your apartment with reasonable heating expenses, it’s worth considering modernization. Modern condensing heating reduces your heating costs by up to 30% and pays for itself quickly. But reducing heat loss through the building envelope can also be a good approach. An energy advisor near you can provide guidance.

Caution! Not heating in winter is not an option

If you save on heating during the day and stay warm in the evening, you increasingly risk mold in the house. Experts estimate that one in two houses is now infested with mold. Both new and old buildings are affected. Even in buildings that previously had nothing to do with mold, cultures often proliferate after a cold winter – because not heating was an option.

It is therefore all the more important for you to consider the following: The more you let your house cool down, the more mold can develop. Indeed, the humidity you produce by breathing, sweating, bathing, cleaning, cooking, etc., settles on the cold inner surfaces of exterior walls. Insufficient ventilation further promotes this phenomenon, as moisture cannot escape. And you’ve already prepared the ground for mold formation, which you “fertilize” further by significantly increasing the room temperature