This manufacturer announces a real revolution in its electric cars with solid batteries

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Written By Derrick Rodriguez

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Solid-state batteries can be described as the eternal promise of the electric automotive sector. Almost all manufacturers have announced plans to develop and manufacture such components. However, the current technology is not yet up to the task and we will have to wait a few more years for their arrival. At the same time, brands continue to work on fine-tuning them, and Nissan is a good example of this.

It has been during the Tokyo Motor Show 2023 where the Japanese company has made a whole launching of future models and technology. On its stand have shown several electric concept models, among which is the future Nissan GT-R zero emissions. On the carpet of this event, the company also took the opportunity to show its intentions in terms of battery technology and is that, if their plans are fulfilled, the expected solid state battery could be very close.


2023 Japan Mobility Show Nissan booth
Nissan’s booth at the Tokyo Motor Show was filled with electric vehicles.

Nissan and its battery technology

Kazuhiro Doi, Nissan’s corporate vice president of research, said during an appearance at the Japanese event that “batteries will be the crucial technology for next-generation electric vehicles. With them, Nissan will take a big leap forward.” In general terms, these are postulated as the great revolution within the company, as it will achieve “almost twice the energy density” than current batteries. This will give twice the electric autonomy to the vehicle in which it is mounted, as well as faster recharging and, not least, a lower purchase price.

According to the same executive, this will be a technology that “will adapt to any type of car”, since with a higher energy density, it will be possible to reduce its overall size and weight. This will mean a before and after for the development of sports vehicles, since lightness is usually the advantage of these. Likewise, being smaller, they will be able to be coupled more on a type of vehicle, something that will be essential for trucks or vans. Among the objectives of the company, is that their recharging times are reduced by a third, compared to the current average.

Nissan JMS23 Hyper Force
Many point out that the first vehicle to mount Nissan’s solid-state batteries will be a sports car.

Another plus for these solid-state batteries will be their optimal working temperature. According to Doi, they “operate well from room temperature to 100 degrees Celsius”. This could mean the elimination of cooling components, which will further alleviate the weight of the assembly and its mechanical complexity.

The executive assured that this technology is still being developed along with the first vehicle that will install it. The company’s roadmap points to a launch of this in 2028, although some time before that they will begin to provide details on both. “I expect to make an announcement very soon. The world needs to move away from gasoline engines,” he said. At the moment, it is unknown on which vehicle Nissan’s first solid-state battery will be installed, although many indications point to a possible electric sports car that will be able to showcase the capabilities of this component.